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МВЦ \Самара Космическая\ is rated 4.5 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about МВЦ \Самара Космическая\.
A wonderful museum, unic in his type... You can take great photos with the real scale rocket model
The racket locks a vary good.
This place is very small compared to what you would expect. They have a nice English tour app which cool. They were out of the space food for sale which was one of the main reasons I decided to go there.
Nice museum
First time I've been in spase-cosmic museum in my life, I think it wouldn't be the last.
All about space history and Samara in a small museum. Well organized and informative.
It is one of the top 5 monuments/museums of Samara. It remember the glory as a \cosmic city\ as the Russians say, there is a small but interesting museum about the relationship between Samara and the cosmic program (Russian and Soviet program) and the importance as industrial heart of theses programs. But anyway, the most visual will be the real rocket \Soyuz\ that decorates the avenue.
good museum. entrance fee is 500rbs. the museum is rather small and has a few cool pieces of the Russian space program. If you are a space junkie, I suggest you go, but make sure your have a Russian translator since most of everything is in Russian and not much translated to English. the rocket outside is really cool!
МВЦ \Самара Космическая\
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